Sunday, November 9th the Coalition Hosts The Ojai Film Festival FOCUS EARTH 2014 Screening of Bringing It Home

It has been over 40 years since President Nixon signed the Controlled Substances Act making hemp illegal, yet industrial hemp has no drug value. The film Bringing it Home is packed with information that will leave you surprised and well informed about the often misunderstood topic of industrial hemp.

Hemp is a plant with compelling benefits for healthy homes, food, farmers, job creation and our environment. Industrial hemp is a non-psychoactive plant, grown in 30 other countries – but prohibited in the United States. Legalization advocates say it could help American farmers, create jobs, and replace thousands of harmful petrochemical and synthetic products. In their award-winning documentary Bringing it Home filmmakers Linda Booker and Blaire Johnson explore the question of “Why aren’t we growing it here?”
The film tells the story of hemp through a series of short interviews. Its past, present and future is discussed and illuminated from conversations with individuals and business owners using hemp for construction, textiles, nutrition, soaps and bio-plastics in America and around the globe.
Join the Coalition Sunday, November 9, 12:30 to 3:00 p.m. at The Ojai Art Center, 113 S. Montgomery St., Ojai. The film screening will be followed by a conversation with the filmmaker/editor/producer, Linda Booker and a panel of distinguished guests:
Steve Levine, Director of Cannabis Dr. Bronner’s Magic Soaps
John Roulac, Nutiva Founder and CEO
Beate Kirmse, Cylab Group
Lawrence Serbin, Hemp Traders Founder and CEO
Click here for more information about our panelists.
Tickets are $10 and available through the Ojai Film Festival website. Price of the ticket will also enter you into a drawing for a Nutiva gift box or 2 night stay at Casa Ojai Inn. Hemp product samples will also be handed out or on display.
Why OVGC loved this film and wanted to show it at “Focus Earth.”
We considered a number of films, as usual, for our annual presentation at the Film Festival. We are always looking for a film which would combine exceptional cinematic quality with educational information about the environment, attracting both film lovers and ecology conscious people.
We are very enthusiastic about the message this documentary will bring to our community: it debunks the myth of hemp as a hallucinogen (“hemp can make thousands of products, but it can’t make you high”) and truly informs on a topic about which there are countless misconceptions. Bringing it Home does so with substantial information and delightful humor.

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