In December 2017, the largest wildfire in the recorded history of California up until then burned through Northwestern Ventura County, completely surrounding the City of Ojai, and destroying hundreds of homes and hundreds of thousands of acres of public land. In January 2018, a diverse group of citizens from the Ojai Valley who were eager to help in the recovery effort began meeting about once a month on Sunday at the Ojai public library.

The Ojai Valley Green Coalition helped facilitate ensuing discussions, which featured local wildlife and watershed experts, members of the Ojai City Council, environmental leaders, and dozens of of our fellow concerned citizens, as well as and volunteers.

As spring 2018 approached, the Restoration and Resilience Council’s conversation began to focus on innovative structure building and habitation for those displaced by the fire; on plans for Earth Day at Libbey Park for the first time ever; and on providing support for those offering new land and water rehabilitation and conservation.

You can learn more about how things transpired since then by visiting the Council’s Facebook site.

Click here for more Restoration and Resilience information and resources.